資安事件回應、SIEM、SOC 手冊 (Playbook) 快速參考
This digital copy of Incident Response, SIEM, SOC Playbook Quick reference is a handbook for blue team/SOC/Security Team/Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR)
1. 網絡安全:保護電腦網路免受入侵者侵害的做法。
2. 應用安全:專注於讓軟體和設備免受威脅
3. 訊息安全:保護數據的完整性和隱私性。
4. 災難恢復和業務連續性:災難恢復策略規定了組織如何恢復其運營和信息以恢復到與事件發生前相同的運營能力。
5. 最終用戶地址:最不可預測的網絡安全因素:人。如果不遵循良好的安全實踐,任何人都可能意外地將病毒引入原本安全的系統。教用戶刪除可疑的電子郵件附件、不插入未識別的 USB 驅動器以及其他各種重要課程對於任何組織的安全都至關重要
顯示所有 7 筆結果
This digital copy of Incident Response, SIEM, SOC Playbook Quick reference is a handbook for blue team/SOC/Security Team/Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR)
This digital copy is a quick reference of Network fundamentals, Network packet analysis, Network intrusion analysis tools, System Commands and various types of attacks
This digital copy Penetration testing quick reference containing workflows, things to note and hands-on System Penetration testing: License Type: Not for any kind of resell Combine hands-on workflows and command-line. We also provide optional in-person training.
This Splunk enhancement add-on pack provides additional normalization and CIM mapping to the original apps. Those enhancements are based on best practices and therefore can enhance Splunk detection ratio and more effective investigation for SOC team.
This Splunk Security Detection Correlation Rule and Dashboard pack contain Splunk correlation rule and dashboard developed by our team. All the correlation rules are not overlapped with Splunk Enterprise Security, Splunk Security Essentials, and Splunk ES Content Update.