Showing 1–16 of 60 results





  • Atola Insight Forensic

    Atola Insight Forensic

    In-depth data recovery and forensic imaging tool, able to work with damaged HDD.

  • Atola TaskForce

    Atola TaskForce

    Fast forensic imaging tool, even with bad drives.

  • Atola_TaskForce_2

    Atola TaskForce 2

    Fast forensic imaging tool, even with bad drives.

  • BEC X

    BEC X

    An all-in-one digital forensic solution for acquiring, locating, extracting, and analyzing digital evidences.

  • Belkasoft N

    Belkasoft N

    Belkasoft Incident Investigations (Belkasoft N) is a tool for digital incident investigations, developed specifically for businesses and aimed to investigate hacking attempts of Windows-based computers.

  • BTS Tracker

    BTS Tracker

    Cell Tower Analyzer. Forensics solution to measure the crime scene radio environment.

  • CipherTrace Armada

    CipherTrace Armada

    Platform for identifying transactions with digital asset entities and helping manage AML risks from.

  • Circuit Board & Chip Disintegrator

    Circuit Board & Chip Disintegrator

    Two steps shredding. The second shredding can shred scaps into powder.

  • Cryptocurrency Intelligence Platform

    Cryptocurrency Intelligence Platform

    A cryptocurrency/Bitcoin transaction tracing platform. One use case is the detection and tracing of potential Money Laundering activities.

  • Cyacomb Examiner Plus

    Cyacomb Examiner Plus

    Cyacomb flagship product that offers our core ‘Contraband Scan’ technology for on-scene triage.

  • Cyacomb Offender Manager

    Cyacomb Offender Manager

    Built for front line investigators. Find evidence on devices with just one click ‘start scan’. This tool can be preconfigured in advance.

  • Cyber_MZR-DT_Workstation

    Cyber MZR-DT Workstation

    All-inclusive forensic workstation for rapid analysis of artifacts.

  • DE Forensic Write Blocker

    DE Forensic Write Blocker

    Forensic Bridge connect to host computer

  • DE Portable Write Blocker

    DE Portable Write Blocker

    Compact with write blocker for security access digital data during forensic investigation anywhere.

  • Deca YG2043 HDD performance inspection/deletion system

    DECA YG2043

    Multi Interface Test Erasure Solution

  • DECA YG2044

    Multi Interface Test Erasure Solution