Degausser 15X
The world’s first 10,000+ Oe high-power degausser with a quick 17-second charge.
Hard disk/Magnetic Tapes degaussers erase data from hard drives/magnetic tapes by disrupting the magnetic field that stores the information, a process known as degaussing. This renders the data unrecoverable and the hard disk unusable, ensuring high data security. Degaussers work exclusively with magnetic storage media, such as hard disk drives (HDDs) and magnetic tapes. By exposing the magnetic media to a powerful magnetic field, degaussing disrupts the recorded magnetic domains, making data recovery impossible even in laboratory conditions. This method is more secure than wiping or formatting, especially for damaged or partially damaged hard disks/magnetic tapes.
Note that degaussers are suitable only for magnetic storage media, such as HDDs and magnetic tapes, and not for solid-state drives (SSDs) or 2.5″/3.5″ hybrid magnetic solid-state drives, which store data differently. The most important factor when purchasing degaussers is choosing one that can generate a stronger magnetic field than the hard disk’s coercivity. Coercivity, measured in oersteds (Oe), indicates the minimum strength of the magnetic field required to demagnetize the disk. A common challenge for degausser users is that the results are not auditable, and there is a lack of cost-effective methods to verify whether each degaussing process is successful. To address this challenge, we also offer our Patented Degauss Verification Magnetic Sticker 8th Gen.
CyberSecThreat provides complete data destruction solutions, ranging from Data Disposal Products, Hard Disk Drive Degaussing Services, Magnetic Tape Degaussing Destruction Service, Magnetic Tape Destruction Services
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Degaussing is a common and effective method to ensure data inside magnetic media (such as hard drives and magnetic tape) is unrecoverable. Unfortunately, Degauss Verification is a challenging task as there is no visual evidence after degaussing. Our patented Degauss Verification Magnetic Sticker is a revolutionary technology that provides a cost-effective, simple, effective, and auditable solution for Degauss Verification.